Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Not saying anymore

I am going to stop saying I'm sorry, unless I do something wrong.
I also have to be truly sorry that I did what I did.
If somebody states that they had a bad day or they aren't feeling well.
I am going to figure out something else to say.
I may feel for them and wish they had a better day or felt better.
But I am going to stop taking on the responsibility of their misfortune.
If they can't see the bright side or figure out how to make the best of things.
So be it, I refuse to continue trying to open peoples eyes.
I am going to become less accountable for other peoples emotions.
My emotions are all I am supposed to be accountable for.
I have no trouble admitting when I am wrong.
The only thing I have to become more aware of is my faults.
Acknowledging my faults and working on them is a good start.
One of my faults is saying I'm sorry when I had nothing to do with it.
I'm not going to go into where this came from, I am aware of that.
It isn't important anyway, it is important that I stop though.
I don't need to be taking on everyone else’s short-comings.
I do this when I say I'm sorry and it isn't doing anything for me.
From now on, when I feel those words start to come out of my mouth,
I am going to stop and find something else to say, or not say anything.


Blogger squishedlizard said...

I say "I'm sorry" or "sorry" or "sowwie" but it's usually because I'm too damn lazy to say "You have my empathy."

4:19 AM  

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