Setting myself up
Sometimes life hands you things you aren't prepared to deal with
It can take years for somethings to sink in and take hold
I seem to have had my share of these suprises
Facing my surprises has been hard, but I am ready
I have the unfortunate knack of only seeing the good in people
When the real person comes to light I am ussually disappointed
This happens to me a lot and I need to remove my blinders
I set myself up to be hurt and used
I used to think they don't mean to be like that
But I am beginning to think that they do
I keep thinking that people will be compassionate
Most people are after their own personal gain
People aren't like me and I have to remember that
They are greedy, self-absorbed and cold
Relationships tend to be one-sided
When they are finished getting what they want
You are ussually discarded and ignored
I was never important to these people
I have learned my lesson and will walk away
Maybe someday I will meet someone that isn't like this
I seriously doubt that they are out there
There is more disappointment in my future
I can't hold people up to my standards
They just don’t measure up
thank you for returning these posts.
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